Pinto Beans and Diabetes

Pinto Beans and Diabetes

Very Good

Glycemic index:


Calories per 100 g:

84 kcal

Maybe you haven’t given much thought to pinto beans and diabetes. Today is the day to change that. Why? Because beans are a great addition to a diabetic diet. When you have diabetes, you need to watch what you eat so that you can control your blood sugar levels. For that reason, some foods are good options, while others should be avoided. So what’s the big deal about beans? You’ll find the facts below. 

Nutritional value

  • Protein 4.6 g
  • Carbohydrate 15 g
  • Fat 0.6 g
  • Fiber 4.6 g
  • Sugar 1 g
  • Cholesterol 0 g

Best Beans for Diabetes

Pinto beans are a delicious choice when you have diabetes. They are easy to find and simple to prepare in a variety of ways. You may also want to mix things up with kidney beans or black beans, both of which offer similar benefits. Pinto beans are a good choice because they are high in fiber, which is ideal for stabilizing blood sugar. 

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Why Pinto Beans?

Pinto beans are rich in fiber. This is ideal for glucose control because fiber digests slowly. This allows helps keep blood sugar levels stable and helps prevent the risk of a blood sugar spike. 

You must monitor your carbohydrate intake when you have diabetes. While pinto beans do contain carbs, they are also low on the glycemic index, which means they won’t cause a spike in your blood sugar levels. 

Beans and diabetes also go well together because they are an abundant source of other important nutrients, both for overall health and for your diabetes management goals. These nutrients include protein, potassium, magnesium, folate, and iron. 

Choosing Pinto Beans

When it comes to pinto beans and diabetes, they aren’t all created equal. It’s usually better to choose dry pinto beans over the canned version. 

Canned beans tend to be higher in sodium, which increases the risk of heart disease, something that you carry greater risk of when you have diabetes. If you do opt for canned pintos, be sure you rinse them well before eating to reduce their sodium content. 

How to Eat Pinto Beans

Pinto beans have a mild flavor and creamy texture that makes them a tasty choice for a variety of meals. You can cook and mash them, then spread them inside a tortilla for a burrito or taco. You can toss pinto beans into a vegetable salad or pot of soup. Use them to make chili or as a base for veggie burgers. Top beans with grilled vegetables and avocado for a bowl that you can enjoy for lunch or dinner. 

Because they don’t have a strong flavor, you can mix and match herbs and spices and experiment to find what you like best. Remember to control your salt, sugar and fat intake when you prepare beans. 

Pinto beans are sometimes called a diabetes superfood so don’t be afraid to add them to your meal plan. You’ll get the fiber you need to manage your blood sugar levels, as well as plenty of other nutrients that you need to stay healthy. 

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