Diabetes Screening Age Lowered From 45 to 35
From now on, people who are overweight or obese need to be screened for diabetes from age 35. Experts claim that the condition may go undetected for years, and diagnosis at an earlier stage might prevent the condition from causing serious health problems.
But why is the prevalence of diabetes increasing?
Find out your personal diabetes risk score
Source: World Health Organization
Estimated number of adults with diabetes (in millions)
Rising levels of obesity, unhealthy diets, and physical inactivity.
These are the main risk factors that contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes and, in turn, the surge in the overall number of diabetes cases.
That is why over 180.000 have already chosen Klinio.
A life-changing tool that helps you adjust your lifestyle, lose weight and achieve your best health. The Klinio app assists in preventing diabetes and helps manage the symptoms for those already diagnosed with the condition.