Sodium and Diabetes: A Guide on How Salt Affects Blood Sugar

Diabetes is a severe condition responsible for many cardiovascular diseases and preventable death. In the United States, millions of people have this condition, and quite a few are undiagnosed. Many factors cause the disease, but diet choice tops the queue, with carbs claiming a top spot. However, other foods contribute to the condition, and one of them is sodium or dietary sodium.

2022 août 26

1 min lire

Diabetes is a severe condition responsible for many cardiovascular diseases and preventable death. In the United States, millions of people have this condition, and quite a few are undiagnosed. Many factors cause the disease, but diet choice tops the queue, with carbs claiming a top spot. However, other foods contribute to the condition, and one of them is sodium or dietary sodium.

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Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain.

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