Klinio updates: Web platform

From now on, the Klinio solutions can be found on the web platform!
If you’re not a fan of using a mobile app, feel free to check out a new and rapidly evolving Klinio web platform. Here, you’ll find your Klinio profile all in one place.

On the home page, you’ll see tabs that enable you to log metrics, such as blood glucose, eA1C, weight, blood pressure, and Hb1Ac. These tabs will help you keep track of your data and see the bigger picture of your condition straight on your computer screen. Feel free to check your daily tasks and get encouraged to log your daily meals. What’s more, in the Nutrition section, you’ll find your personalized meal plan with recipes and complete nutritional value information.
The personalized meal plan is one of the key features of the Klinio program. For people with diabetes, nutrition is essential for many reasons, such as maintaining a healthy weight, keeping blood sugar levels stable, or balancing healthy amounts of sugar and carbs.
Klinio program offers a fully customizable, diabetes-friendly meal plan generated according to your personal needs, favorite food, allergies, etc. This personalized meal plan covers the entire day, from breakfast, lunch, and dinner to snacks and even desserts. What’s more, this program provides users with a meal plan that displays a nutritional value, including the calories, carb count, the amount of sugar-containing, cholesterol, etc. The personalized meal plan is a great tool to learn about a healthy diet when dealing with diabetes on a daily basis.
Take a quiz and get your diabetes-management plan today!