“I’ve lost over 36 pounds. Sadly, I had to lose my left leg to get here.
It was during my holiday in Greece that my new sandals caused a big blister on my feet. At that point, I didn’t know this would be a defining moment for me and my health.
After Greece, the blister didn’t heal and it started to get painful. At the hospital, I was told that the infection had spread and I needed surgery. I spent the next month recovering and trying to learn to walk again.
I know that if I had found Klinio earlier, which helped me pay more attention to my health and treat my type 2 diabetes, I could have avoided these severe complications. However, I’m proud of my results today.
The Klinio meal plan was incredibly easy to follow since it allowed me to swap ingredients and create variations in recipes. They even provided me with weekly grocery lists and meal-prep tips. Today, I’m 36 pounds lighter, my blood sugar is below 130, and I can firmly say that I have learned to live with diabetes!”
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