#1 Leading Program in Losing Weight with Diabetes
#1 Diabetes Weight Loss Solution for the whole year and the rest of your life! Take a 1-minute quiz and find out how you can improve your health with the all-in-one diabetes management plan.

Body Types
Different bodies require different diets. It’s not rocket science – just facts. Your body shape is one of the main determinants of what type of diet will work for you. It can pinpoint what food to stay clear of, how many calories to consume, and what to focus on when exercising.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pounds that are taken off gradually are more likely to stay off than those that are shed very fast. When you drop weight too quickly, especially with diabetes, you risk suffering from certain health complications that often require high levels of dietary restrictions and may lead to acute diabetes complications.

Stepping onto a scale might feel frightening, but once that moment is over – you’re in the right place to start taking action. The Body Mass Index is a simple measure formula that calculates your body fat percentage and estimates health-related risks. Check yours with the calculator or chart On the right.
Maintaining a healthy weight with diabetes goes a long way. It helps support your blood pressure, cholesterol and reduces the risks of developing severe health problems. MyDiabates provides safe and long-term guidance on losing weight, maintaining a specialized diet, and regular exercise to keep track of your healthy diabetes routine.

Metabolism is a very complicated process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. The same energy ensures the vital functions of the heart, lungs, digestive system, and many more. However, the metabolism of people with diabetes differs from the metabolism of people without it.
Christine Ellis, the Head of Nutrition at MyDiabetes explains that a combination of healthy eating patterns and regular physical activity is the key to a long-term weight management strategy. To ensure a balanced metabolism, without risk of blood sugar elevation, insulin resistance, and drastic weight gain, following a customized diet plan is essential.

“Hey, I’m Jess and I’ve been using the MyDiabetes app for six months now.
Although I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes 2 years ago, I got the app only when I hit my highest weight ever, 205 pounds (I’m 5’8”).
I realized I must take action because being so out of shape negatively affected my blood sugars, not to mention my mental wellbeing. At first, I worried if this app would work for me, but the MyDiabetes.diet was so easy to follow that I fell in love with it right away.
It completely adjusted to my diabetes type, BMI index (30), age (37), and helped me set realistic weight loss goals for the upcoming month.
By six months out, I had lost 50 pounds and my blood sugars had dropped by 1.3%. The MyDiabetes.diet gave me recipes and many useful tips for diabetes management at home. So, I’m nearly under 150 pounds now. Honestly, I couldn’t be happier.”
Weight Loss Solution for the rest of your life!
More than 10 000+ happy users worldwide!
Eva P. San Francisco, CA
Living with diabetes can get complicated. Make it simple with MyDiabetes, the leading app to manage it all.
1 661 830 Lost Pounds in 2020!
Reconceptualized and updated for a healthier and happier year ahead!

Other Diets vs. MyDiabetes
Most popular diets encourage you to eat too little and not what you like, leading to a speedy weight loss that bounces back right away. It simply becomes too hard for your body to handle.
MyDiabetes is a personalized meal plan based on your preferences – whether it’s allergens or certain food no-no’s, the selected tasty meals are set to fit your personal needs. The plan is built on the latest nutritional and diabetes research data, with constant improvements to customized meal plans and diabetes concerns.