Type 2 Diabetes and Intimacy: How Diabetes Affects Sex Life

Diabetes is a chronic condition linked to numerous complications and concerning side effects. Most of these effects are well known and usually related to cardiovascular complications. Health experts and institutions usually offer management tips on possible effects that include stroke, heart disease, and kidney failure, giving the impression that these conditions are the only major concerns of diabetes. In reality, however, diabetes has broader side effects that include waning sexual performance, with many studies confirming how diabetes affects sexual health.

2022 jun 13

1 min leer

Diabetes is a chronic condition linked to numerous complications and concerning side effects. Most of these effects are well known and usually related to cardiovascular complications. Health experts and institutions usually offer management tips on possible effects that include stroke, heart disease, and kidney failure, giving the impression that these conditions are the only major concerns of diabetes. In reality, however, diabetes has broader side effects that include waning sexual performance, with many studies confirming how diabetes affects sexual health.

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