Breadfruit and Diabetes

Breadfruit and Diabetes

It's ok

Glycemic index:


Calories per 100 g:

103 kcal

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that prevents the body from producing insulin, which helps to manage and regulate the production of sugar. When the sugar builds up, it destroys the blood vessels and leads to a nervous breakdown.

Since the number of diabetics is increasing daily, most people are in search of nature-based ways they can curtail the situation. 

Breadfruit is a superfruit that contains amino acids, niacin, vitamins, and more. So, what is the relationship between breadfruit and diabetes? 

Breadfruit has been discovered to be one of the natural ways to manage diabetes.

Nutritional value

  • Protein 1.07 g
  • Carbohydrate 27 g
  • Fat 0.23 g
  • Fiber 4.9 g
  • Sugar 11 g
  • Cholesterol 0 g

What Studies Say About Breadfruit

According to research, breadfruit is made up of lots of calories and nutritional values. 100 grams of breadfruit will provide 7.4 grams of the recommended body nutrient.


However, it is important that breadfruit is treated before consumption, as untreated breadfruit can result in hypertension, high blood level, etc.


Breadfruit contains fiber, which helps to lower the absorption of glucose in the body when food is consumed. Fiber also helps to lower LDL (bad cholesterol) while increasing the level of HDL (good cholesterol) in individuals with type 2 diabetes.

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Benefits of Breadfruit

Eating breadfruit or incorporating it into your meal is a great way to manage or lower your susceptibility to diabetes. The fresh fruit contains potassium which helps to regulate blood pressure and heart rate.


Breadfruit porridge is one of the healthy diabetic foods that individuals can eat to help control blood sugar levels.


According to experts, breadfruit reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol.


The pulp of breadfruit also contains copper, phosphorus, and magnesium. It contains fatty acids such as omega 3 and omega 6, which aid the proper development of the mind and body.


Despite the benefits of eating breadfruit, it is also important to get the appropriate portion. The dosage depends on several factors such as health, age, and other conditions.


As revealed in the breadfruit and diabetes article, breadfruit is a healthy diet for diabetic patients, as it helps to lower blood sugar levels. It also contains fibers that help remove toxins from the body.

When taking breadfruit, be sure to get the right prescription on dosage from your doctor.

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