Minerals for Diabetes

When you have diabetes, you must pay close attention to your diet. This helps control blood sugar levels and prevents negative symptoms. You probably know to keep track of sugar and carb intake, but the minerals you eat are also important. Including the right minerals for diabetes protects your health and controls the disease. Here are a few that you might need to be aware of when you plan your meals.
Magnesium and diabetes are closely linked. That’s because this mineral helps the body break down sugar from the foods you eat. Even people without diabetes don’t always get enough magnesium. However, for those with type 2 diabetes, this can lead to insulin resistance. When you’re following a low-carb diet, getting enough magnesium can be difficult and a supplement may be necessary to cover the gap.
Iodine is vital and is most abundant in iodized salt. For diabetics who are on a low-sodium meal plan, there’s a risk of a deficiency. When you need to control how much salt you eat, a supplement is an ideal way to be sure you’re still getting the iodine you need, which helps support healthy thyroid function and metabolism.
There’s a strong link between zinc and diabetes. Research finds that a zinc deficiency often goes along with diabetes. Zinc plays a role in improving glucose levels so it’s a pretty important part of a diabetic meal plan. Food sources are the best way to get your daily quota and include oysters, red meat, beans, nuts and seafood. It’s also present in whole grains. Since some of these items are restricted for diabetics, you can cover your needs by taking a zinc supplement.
Calcium is vital for healthy bones, but it also plays a role in insulin secretion and how your body uses insulin. For that reason, it’s a good idea to add a calcium supplement to your diabetic meal plan. This is especially important if you don’t eat dairy foods or are limiting them due to their fat content. Calcium should be combined with vitamin D for the most benefit.
Including these important minerals in a diabetic diet is vital. Not only do they help control your condition, but they also have other important health benefits. If you find that you can’t reach your quota from the foods you eat, talk to your doctor about whether a supplement is an appropriate choice for meeting your minerals and diabetes needs.
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