Ghee and Diabetes

Ghee and Diabetes

It's ok

Glycemic index:


Calories per 100 g:

892 kcal

People with diabetes are usually wary of their food choices as they do not want to consume any meal that will increase their blood sugar level. Food can generally affect the balance of body sugar, but this is a different scenario for using ghee.


Ghee has been generally known to balance the blood sugar level because of the fatty acid that promotes glucose metabolism in the body. Since diabetes may not be completely cured, there are some ways to manage it better, and one of those ways is the use of ghee.


Most of the supposedly healthy cooking oils have proven harmful for diabetics, making ghee one of the safest options.


So let's find out all the factors that make ghee a healthy choice for diabetes.


Nutritional value

  • Protein 0.3 g
  • Carbohydrate 0 g
  • Fat 99 g
  • Fiber 0 g
  • Sugar 0 g
  • Cholesterol 256 g

Why Ghee?


Ghee and diabetes are often closely matched. According to a Macrobiotic Nutritionist coach, Shilpa Arora, Ghee contains fatty acid, which helps to balance and metabolize high blood sugar. The fat also helps to absorb nutrients from your consumed food.


Adding some ghee to food high in glycaemic helps to lower the impact of carbohydrate that enters your body. Also, Ghee has vitamin A, D, K, and other essential compounds that help to boost body immunity which may have weakened as a result of diabetes.


Ghee and diabetes are related because, in addition to reducing bad cholesterol levels, ghee contains linoleic acid that helps lower the risk of diabetes. Also, it is a great ingredient for diabetes, but it doesn’t mean it should be used as an excuse to eat unhealthy meals. Ensure to consult your diabetologist before taking ghee to get maximum results.


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Ghee is one of the healthiest oils used for metabolizing and reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. However, do not prescribe ghee for yourself as excessive intake could result in side effects. Always ask your doctor to prescribe your dosage of ghee.



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