Pomegranate and Diabetes

Pomegranate and Diabetes

Not good

Glycemic index:


Calories per 100 g:

83 kcal

As a diabetic, it is almost certain that you will receive numerous suggestions from different individuals regarding what you should eat and whatnot. Although it’s wise to be cautious of what you consume, obtaining the correct food info is more crucial. While refined sugars are not recommended for diabetics, natural sugars from fruits can serve as a healthy substitute. Pomegranates are trendy fruits owing to their sweet taste and numerous health benefits. It is a popular addition to salads, smoothies, and juices.


This article will analyze the importance of this tart fruit to the diabetic diet as we critically examine research on pomegranate and diabetes.


Nutritional value

  • Protein 1.7 g
  • Carbohydrate 19 g
  • Fat 1.17 g
  • Fiber 4 g
  • Sugar 14 g
  • Cholesterol 0 g

Nutritional Profile of Pomegranate


Pomegranate is a low-carb fruit with a carb content of 18.7g in a 3.5 oz serving of pomegranate, making it relatively safe for people with diabetes. Additionally, it has a low glycemic index (GI) of 53 and a moderate glycemic load (GL) of 18. This means it shouldn’t cause a sudden rise in blood sugar levels when taken.


Although its sugar content of 13.7 g per 3.5 oz portion is a source of concern for people with diabetes, this is compensated by its high fiber content of 4.0 g and 1.67 g of protein. Additionally, in the juice form, these sugars are linked to antioxidants, beneficial for preventing atherosclerosis — a risk factor for cardiovascular complications. This was the finding of a study on Israeli study on pomegranate juice.


According to the researchers, although the sugars in pomegranate were similar to other fruit juice sugars, they did not negatively affect diabetics.


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How Does Pomegranate Affect Diabetics?


Pomegranates are very healthy fruits recommended for cancer patients for their anti-inflammatory traits. They are also a rich source of vitamin C, folate, potassium, and many other minerals essential for the body's proper functioning. Research has shown them to be particularly beneficial in the management of diabetes, as observed below.


High Antioxidant Activity


A study on pomegranate and diabetes confirmed that commercial pomegranate juices showed antioxidant activity three times higher than green tea and red wine. This was attributed to its antioxidant constituents, such as punicalagin (the prominent pomegranate tannin), ellagic acid derivatives, anthocyanins, and hydrolyzable tannins.


These antioxidants are particularly vital to diabetics because they reduce damage caused by the oxidation of cells, thereby reducing the complications that come with this condition. These complications include heart failure, kidney disease, and others.


Reduction of Fasting Blood Glucose Levels


Some pomegranate contents can reduce fasting glucose levels in the blood. According to a research article from the National Library of Medicine, punicic acid, pomegranate peel extract, and methanolic seed extract caused a significant decrease in fasting blood glucose levels. However, further controlled clinical studies are still necessary to prove this.


Reduction of Insulin Resistance


Insulin resistance is one of the significant causes of type 2 diabetes, resulting in abnormally high blood sugar levels. However, research on 85 individuals with type 2 diabetes revealed that after 3 hours of consuming pomegranate juice, subjects exhibited reduced insulin resistance and blood sugar levels.


Safe Ways for Diabetics to Eat Pomegranate


Because of their taste and excellent health benefits, pomegranates are known to some as a superfood and to others as the ‘king of fruits.’ Nonetheless, you should eat them in moderation and according to the doctor's guidance. Here are some safe ways for diabetics to safely eat pomegranate:

  • Suck out the juice as pomegranate juice
  • Eat the arils fresh or frozen and enjoy them as a snack
  • Add to smoothies and yogurt
  • Sprinkle them on salads
  • Add as a garnish to prepared meats and pasta

Wrap Up


Although pomegranates are packed with excellent health benefits for diabetics, they are not sufficient replacements for diabetes medication. This is because their effects have not been extensively proven by clinical studies. Regardless, it wouldn’t hurt to include a few of these fantastic fruits into your diet as a diabetic.

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